… and other ponderings in 11th-dimensional space

MATLAB’s version of Conway’s Game of Life in 3D

Jul 28th, 2010 | By | Category: Matlab

My 3D version expansion of Conway’s Game of Life.     function life3D(action) %LIFE3D MATLAB’s version of Conway’s Game of Life. % "Life" is a cellular automaton invented by John % Conway that involves live and dead cells in a % rectangular, two-dimensional universe. In % MATLAB, the universe is a sparse matrix that % […]


Jul 18th, 2010 | By | Category: AutoHotkey, Programming, Software

MasterUp Win+UpArrow
MasterDown Win+DownArrow
MasterUp Keyboard multimedia key Vol Up
MasterDown Keyboard multimedia key Vol Down

MasterRight Win+RightArrow
MasterLeft Win+LeftArrow

WaveUp Shift+Win+UpArrow
WaveDown Shift+Win+DownArrow

WaveRight Shift+Win+RightArrow
WaveLeft Shift+Win+LeftArrow

MasterMute Win+Ins
MasterMute Win+NumPad0
MasterMute Win+NumpadIns

MasterMute Shift+Win+Ins
MasterMute Shift+Win+Numpad0
MasterMute Shift+Win+NumpadIns

MasterMute Keyboard multimedia key Mute