… and other ponderings in 11th-dimensional space


Medasani, Barajas et al., US Patent 9,875,427 Granted
United States Patent 9,875,427 Barajas, et al. July 12, 2016 Method for Object Localization and Pose Estimation for an Object of Interest


2012 LPSC Abstract: Rover Routes and Hydrous Soil Locations on the Mars Desert Research Station

D. K. Weiss, N. Levine, R. Nusbaum, N. D. Munster, L. G. Barajas, K. Wynne, A. Stein, and C. Runyon, “Mapping Rover Routes and Hydrous Soil Locations on the Mars Desert Research Station,” to be presented at the 43rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (LPSC XLII), The Woodlands, TX, 2012. http://www.lpi.usra.edu/meetings/lpsc2012/pdf/1950.pdf