Barajas, US Patent 7,999,664 Granted
Aug 16th, 2011 | By Leandro | Category: Featured Articles, PatentsUnited States Patent 7,999,664 Barajas August 16, 2011 Behavior-based low fuel warning system.
United States Patent 7,999,664 Barajas August 16, 2011 Behavior-based low fuel warning system.
United States Patent 7,996,113 Yuan, Barajas, et al. August 9, 2011 Methods of integrating real and virtual world using virtual sensor/actuator.
H. Yang, S. T. S. Bukkapatnam, L. G. Barajas, “Local Recurrence Based Performance Prediction and Prognostics in the Nonlinear and Nonstationary Systems,” Pattern Recognition, vol. 44, pp. 1834-1840, 2011
United States Patent 7,899,761 Kadambe, Barajas, et al. March 1, 2011 System and method for signal prediction.
J. A. Alcazar and L. G. Barajas, “Dexterous Robotic Hand Grasping Method for Automotive Parts,” presented at the IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots, Nashville, TN, December 6, 2010
United States Patent 7,771,089 Schultz & Barajas August 10, 2010 High intensity and low power signaling device with heat dissipation system.
United States Patent 7,761,389 Medasani, Barajas et al. July 20, 2010 Method for anomaly prediction of battery parasitic load.
L. G. Barajas, S. R. Biller, F. Gu, and C. Yuan, “Virtual Launch & Validation of Manufacturing Automation Controls,” presented at the 6th IEEE Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE). Toronto, Canada, 2010
T.-C. Lu, N. Srinivasa, and L. G. Barajas, “A Survey on Prognostic Metrics,” presented at the Machinery Failure Prevention Technology (MFPT) Conference, Huntsville, AL, 2010
United States Patent 7,672,811 Xiao, Barajas, et al. March 2, 2010 System and method for production system performance prediction.