- Daniel Alazard, Institut Supérieur de l’Aéronautique et de l’Espace
- Michael Anderson, U.S. Air Force Academy
- Leandro Barajas, Dynetics, Inc.
- David Beale, Aerospace Testing Alliance
- David Bearden, The Aerospace Corporation
- Kamran Behdinan, University of Toronto
- Jeff Bingham, United States Senate (retired)
- Eric Blades, ATA Engineering, Inc.
- Robert Breidenthal, University of Washington
- Andrew Brown, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
- Daniel Brown, Air Force Research Laboratory
- Philip Burkholder, Rolls-Royce Corporation
- Steven Bussolari, U.S. Air Force
- Michael Butler, Johns Hopkins University/Applied Physics Laboratory
- Samuel Butler, The Boeing Company
- Jason Cassibry, University of Alabama in Huntsville
- Haixin Chen, Tsinghua University
- Peter Chen, Intelligent Automation Inc. (IAI)
- Kimberley Clayfield, CSIRO
- Stephen Cook, The MITRE Corporation
- Craig Cooning, The Boeing Company
- Victoria Cox, Victoria Cox Solutions, LLC
- Agamemnon Crassidis, Rochester Institute of Technology
- Brian Danowsky, Systems Technology, Inc.
- Andrew Dawdy, The Aerospace Corporation
- Michael Deitchman, Department of the Navy (SES Retired)
- Edward DiGirolamo, Lockheed Martin Corporation
- Kenneth Dorsett, Lockheed Martin Corporation
- John Doty, University of Dayton
- David Driver, NASA Ames Research Center
- Daniel Dumbacher, Purdue University
- David Eccles, The Aerospace Corporation
- “J.R” Reginald Edwards, Lockheed Martin Corporation
- William Emrich, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
- Daniel Erwin, University of Southern California
- Thomas Fanciullo, Aerojet Rocketdyne
- Hector Fenech, Eutelsat SA
- Lawrence Fink, The Boeing Company
- Roger Franzen, Australian National University
- Susan Frost, NASA Ames Research Center
- Gregory Gatlin, NASA Langley Research Center
- Thomas Giel, ERC/Jacobs ESSSA Team, Marshall Space Flight Center
- Anouck Girard, University of Michigan
- James Gregory, The Ohio State University
- Norman Wayne Hale, Special Aerospace Services, LLP
- David Hall, DHC Engineering
- Neil Hall, Lockheed Martin Corporation
- Tucker Hamilton, U.S. Air Force
- Jae-Hung Han, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
- Darin Haudrich, The Boeing Company
- James Heidmann, NASA Glenn Research Center
- Gregory Hiemenz, InnoVital Systems, Inc.
- George Hindman, Keystone Aerospace
- Keith Hollingsworth, University of Alabama in Huntsville
- John R “Rick” Hooker, Lockheed Martin Corporation
- Michael Houts, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
- Patricia Hynes, New Mexico State University
- Dana (Keoki) Jackson, Lockheed Martin Corporation
- Zonglin Jiang, State Key Laboratory of High-Temperature Gas Dynamics, Institute of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
- Michael Johnson, NASA Kennedy Space Center
- Anya Jones, University of Maryland
- John Karas, Lockheed Martin Corporation
- Shawn Keshmiri, University of Kansas
- Sergey Kravchenko, The Boeing Company
- Miroslav Krstic, University of California, San Diego
- Ira Kuhn, Directed Technologies Inc.
- Philippe Lavoie, University of Toronto
- Phillip Ligrani, University of Alabama in Huntsville
- Chao-An Lin, National Tsing Hua University
- Tianshu Liu, Western Michigan University
- Andrew Lovejoy, NASA Langley Research Center
- Byron Lowry, Lockheed Martin Corporation
- Haoxiang Luo, Vanderbilt University
- Luca Maddalena, University of Texas at Arlington
- Balasubramanyam Madhanabharatam,Consultant
- Brant Maines, Lockheed Martin Corporation
- Faure Joel Malo-Molina, Raytheon
- Arif Masud, University of Illinois
- Jehanzeb Masud, Air University
- Ralf Mayer, The MITRE Corporation
- Craig McLaughlin, University of Kansas
- Jack McNamara, The Ohio State University
- Pamela Melroy, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
- Richard Miller, Clemson University
- Marc Millis, Tau Zero Foundation
- Kristi Morgansen, University of Washington
- John Mulholland, The Boeing Company
- James Nabity, University of Colorado
- Eliahu Niewood, MIT Lincoln Laboratory
- Hiroaki Nishikawa, National Institute of Aerospace
- Scott Norwood, Lockheed Martin Corporation
- Allison O’Connor, Moog, Inc.
- Dennis O’Donoghue, The Boeing Company
- Gregory Olsen, Mississippi State University
- Irewole Orisamolu, Pratt & Whitney
- Eric Paterson, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
- Jeremy Pinier, NASA Langley Research Center
- Marcia Politovich, National Center for Atmospheric Research
- Alexander Povitsky, University of Akron
- Gregory Power, Aerospace Testing Alliance
- Adam Przekop, NASA Langley Research Center
- Michael Raftery, The Boeing Company
- Venkatramanan Raman, University of Michigan
- Wayne Rast, SW Airport Services
- Aloysius Reisz, Reisz Engineers
- Darrell Ridgely, Raytheon
- Gary Roberge, Pratt & Whitney
- Luke Roberson, NASA Kennedy Space Center
- Shann Julie Rufer, NASA Langley Research Center
- William Schneider, Lockheed Martin Corporation
- Gregory Scott, Naval Research Laboratory
- Jurgen Seidel, U.S. Air Force Academy
- Alex Selvarathinam, Lockheed Martin Corporation
- Prasenjit Sengupta, Optimal Synthesis Inc.
- Scott Seymour, Aerojet Rocketdyne
- Joseph Sheeley, Aerospace Testing Alliance
- Zach Sherman, Lockheed Martin Corporation
- Jaiwon Shin, NASA Headquarters
- Gopalakrishnan Srinivasan, Indian Institute of Science
- Uri Shumlak, University of Washington
- Michael Sievers, Jet Propulsion Laboratory
- Christopher Singer, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
- Puneet Singla, University at Buffalo-The State University of New York
- Carolyn Slivinski, Space Telescope Science Institute
- Michael Smart, The University of Queensland
- Thomas Smith, The Boeing Company
- Jack Sokhey, Rolls-Royce Corporation
- Jared Squire, Ad Astra Rocket Company
- Thomas Starchville, The Aerospace Corporation
- Scott Starin, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
- Ephraim Suhir, ERS Company
- Brian Thurow, Auburn University
- Charles Tinney, University of Texas at Austin
- Lawrence Townsend, University of Tennessee
- Robert Tramel, Kord Technologies Inc.
- Colin Tucker, F-35 Joint Program Office
- Bruce Underwood, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
- Wayne Van Lerberghe, The Aerospace Corporation
- Ian Walker, Clemson University
- Xiaowen Wang, Air Force Research Laboratory
- Frank Wazzan, University of California, Los Angeles
- Julien Weiss, École de Technologie Supérieure
- Thomas Wendel, The Boeing Company
- Bruce Willis, Jacobs Technology, Inc.
- Michael Woronowicz, Stinger Ghaffarian Technologies, Inc.
- Jong-Shinn Wu, National Chiao Tung University
- Patrick Yee, The Aerospace Corporation
- Renato Zanetti, NASA Johnson Space Center
- John Zipay, NASA Johnson Space Center