… and other ponderings in 11th-dimensional space

NASA’s Hot 100 Technologies: Robotics, Automation & Control – NASA Tech Briefs

Feb 10th, 2015 | By | Category: Awards & Honors, NASA, Robonaut

Dr. Barajas received the NASA JSC Top 10 Award for Robonaut 2. Congratulations on being part of the 2014 TOP 100 NASA Technologies.

NASA JSC TOP 10 Award - Robonaut 2 - Leandro Barajas - 602 x 412


Robonaut 2 Technologies

Robonaut 2 is a highly dexterous humanoid robot made up of multiple component technologies and systems such as vision systems, image recognition systems, sensor integrations, tendon hands, and control algorithms. It features nearly 50 patented and patent-pending technologies and navigates obstacles, fixed or moving. It handles frequent, random, and unexpected movement of people, products, or equipment, as well as items that vary in shape, weight, and fragility.




NASA, in collaboration with General Motors, has designed and developed Robo-Glove, a wearable human grasp assist device, to help reduce the grasping force needed by an individual to operate tools for an extended time or when performing tasks having repetitive motion. It can help construction workers, hazardous material workers, or assembly line operators whose jobs require continuous grasping and ungrasping motion. It also has applications in prosthetic devices, rehabilitation aids, and for people with impaired or limited arm and hand muscle strength.



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